Born and raised on the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada the beauty and realness of rural life is brought alive in the lyrics in a way only Will Ardell can. To Will’s credit are 2 full length Records including a double-sided Country and Heavy Rock album, and a third record, Ardell has taken a painstaking 5 1⁄2 years to write due out later in 2022.
A humble man, who writes and performs for the audience not for the accolades, stating, “he leaves it ALL on the stage”, regardless, his hauntingly beautiful voice has garnered him 15 SCMA nominations, and the SCMA award for Rising Star.
Will Ardell’s powerful and immediately recognizable voice is a testament to the expression of art and to yearning in all of us to be heard above the din of our surroundings. As the late Cam Fuller from the Star Phoenix said of Will's voice "He may not be millionaire, but he sounds a lot like Cash"!
Will says about Songs In The Dark, “It was 2am one December night, and I was waiting for a call out to go plow snow once the Saskatchewan blizzard subsided. I couldn't sleep, so I made coffee and started playing guitar in the dark of the living room, strumming a few chord progressions, I started spitballing lyrics in my head-'song in the dark" was a line that popped out. I continued to write the song for the next half hour or so until I had it mostly written. I was attempting something soulful, and hopefully had a peaceful feeling to it"

Website: www.willardell.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WillArdellMusic
Twitter: twitter.com/willardellmusic
Instagram: www.instagram.com/willardellmusic