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Erin McCallum: The Voice Behind 'Behind The Curtain'

Erin McCallum

Photo Credit: Randall Cook.

Erin McCallum is no stranger to the Canadian blues scene, where she’s been a powerful force for nearly two decades. Known for her soulful performances and a voice that demands attention, she has carved out a significant space for herself as a musician, songwriter, and as a distinguished journalist. Since joining The Sound Cafe almost three years ago, Erin has been contributing an exclusive monthly column titled "Behind The Curtain," offering readers an unparalleled glimpse into the lives and stories of artists from the Canadian Blues collective.

A Journey in Media and Music

Erin's foray into the world of media was no accident. After completing her formal education in media studies, specializing in news and radio at Humber College, Ontario, she was mentored by none other than Robert Holiday, a Canadian News Hall of Fame inductee. This mentorship was a pivotal moment in her career, shaping her into a writer with a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of storytelling. Her work spans both music and investigative journalism, and for the past while, her focus has been mainly on the world of music.

Her transition into music journalism was a natural extension of her life as a performer. Erin McCallum has been an actively performing blues artist for almost 20 years. With a reputation as an accomplished vocalist and lyricist, her music has resonated with audiences both in Canada and internationally. Her slogan, "Big Voice, Big Sound," is a testament to her dynamic presence on stage — a presence that is equally felt in her writing.

A Legacy in the Making

Erin’s contributions to the music world go beyond her performances. Her accolades include an International Songwriting Award for her release "Complicated Woman" and two Maple Blues Awards nominations for Female Vocalist of the Year and Artist/Group of the Year. Additionally, she has been nominated twice for the Ontario Independent Music Awards in the "Best Blues" category.

Her achievements don’t stop there. Erin has graced the stage at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis and represented Canada at the International Showcase. Her album "It’s Time" was awarded "Album of the Year" by Blues Source Entertainment, adding another feather to her already adorned cap. Over her career, Erin has released five full-length original albums, which have received airplay in 63 countries — a testament to her international appeal.

Despite these accomplishments, Erin remains grounded and dedicated to her craft. She continues to perform actively, currently as part of a trio where she contributes both bass and vocals alongside Joe Pace on drums and Teddy Leonard on guitar. Fans eagerly await her much-anticipated new album, which is currently in the works.

"Behind The Curtain" – More Than Just a Column

Erin's monthly column for The Sound Cafe is not just another piece of music journalism. "Behind The Curtain" is a deep dive into the stories and lives of the artists who make up the Canadian Blues collective. Each month, Erin delivers exclusive, in-depth interviews that go beyond the usual press release narratives. She seeks out the stories that often remain untold, giving readers a richer, more nuanced understanding of the artists she features.

Her columns are particularly significant for the Canadian blues community, as they provide a platform for both emerging and established artists. Erin is passionate about balancing legacy pieces with features on up-and-coming acts. "I really like the idea of legacy pieces alongside up-and-coming acts as well," Erin says. "It gives some 'face time' to emerging acts while still acknowledging Canadian artists who have paved the way. I really like that this is a forum to inform, educate, and strengthen the music collective."

In each "Behind The Curtain" column, Erin brings her readers closer to the artists who are making an impact — whether they are rising stars or seasoned veterans. Her keen insights and ability to draw out the human element in her interviews make her writing not just informative but deeply engaging.

A Vision for the Future

As Erin continues to write for The Sound Cafe, she is also shaping the future of the publication with her unique vision. Her work is more than just journalism; it's a celebration of the Canadian blues scene, a scene that is rich with talent, history, and stories that need to be told. Erin’s columns have become a go-to source for anyone interested in the Canadian blues landscape, offering a mix of biographical content, artist interviews, and explorations of what makes these musicians tick.

Her commitment to this vision is evident in every piece she writes. Erin’s ability to connect with artists and her dedication to uncovering the stories that matter have made "Behind The Curtain" a must-read for anyone who cares about the blues. Her columns not only entertain but also educate, strengthening the bonds within the Canadian music community and beyond.

Erin's influence extends beyond her writing. She has also established an exclusive award featured in The Sound Cafe, further cementing her role as a key figure in the Canadian blues scene. This award recognizes the contributions of artists who have made significant impacts in their fields.

A Personal Connection

What sets Erin apart as a writer is the personal connection she has with the artists she interviews. Having walked the walk as a performer herself, she brings a level of empathy and understanding to her interviews that is rare in music journalism. This connection is felt in every column she writes, making "Behind The Curtain" not just a column but a conversation between artists and their audience.

As Erin continues to contribute to The Sound Cafe, her work will undoubtedly continue to resonate with readers and artists alike. Her ability to capture the essence of the Canadian blues scene, coupled with her passion for storytelling, ensures that her columns will remain a cornerstone of the publication for years to come.

Erin McCallum is more than just a blues artist — she is a storyteller, a journalist, and a vital voice in the Canadian music community. Her work with The Sound Cafe has provided readers with a unique and valuable perspective on the artists who make up the Canadian Blues collective. As she continues to explore the stories behind the music, her columns will remain an essential read for anyone interested in the world of blues.

For those who want to dive deeper into the world of Canadian blues, all the exclusive interviews from Erin's "Behind The Curtain" series can be found at the links below. Don’t miss out on the stories that are shaping the future of Canadian blues.

Photo Credit: Nick Harding.

Erin McCallum

Erin McCallum. Big Voice. Big Sound.

Check out the Erin McCallum Blues Legend & Legacy Distinction

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Sep 03

Warbixinta Erin McCallum ee ku saabsan muusikada blues iyo saxaafadda waa mid dhiirrigelin leh. Qoraalkeeda "Behind The Curtain" waxa uu bixiyaa wareysiyo qoto dheer iyo sheekooyin xiiso leh oo ku saabsan adduunka blues-ka Kanada. Marka la eego ciyaaraha, waxaan dhawaan ogaaday xeerarka ciyaarta iyo Tabaha. Boggan waxa uu bixiyaa sharaxaad faahfaahsan oo ku saabsan xeerarka ciyaaraha iyo xeeladaha, taas oo ka dhigaysa mid ka wanaagsan khibrada ciyaarta. Xayaysiisyada gaar ah ee la heli karo ayaa sidoo kale xiiso leh. Haddii aad raadinayso khibrad ciyaar oo xiiso leh, waxaan kugula talinayaa inaad hubiso!

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