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Nous sommes un site Web de musique indépendant / un magazine en ligne.


Il existe de nombreux Sound Cafe dans le paysage musical, notre voyage dans la scène musicale indépendante a commencé en 2004 dans l'un de ces centres de divertissement appelé The Sound Cafe Recording Studio, qui appartenait et était exploité par le groove meister Dave Gray. C'est ici que nous nous sommes fait les dents et avons appris que la musique était bien plus que des pulls en laine et des guitares acoustiques. En quittant une session d'enregistrement un soir, une cassette a été placée entre nos mains et on nous a dit d'écouter attentivement, la cassette était un enregistrement d'un artiste appelé Robbie Robertson, nous avons décidé de venir au Canada et d'enquêter, ce qui transcendait était un tout nouveau monde de gens incroyablement talentueux dont nous n'avions jamais entendu parler, mais que nous avons appris à connaître du Canada, des États-Unis et éventuellement du monde entier.


Vous pourrez lire à leur sujet dans The Sound Cafe Magazine.


Éditeur | Éditeur en chef :

Stevie Connor | FEA Media


Rédacteurs contributeurs :

Stevie Connor

Richard Flohil (Retraité)

Ken Wallis

Erin McCallum

Jo Louks

Megan Routledge

Jenny Biddle 


Entretiens :

Ken Wallis

Stevie Connor

Erin McCallum



Le Sound Café touche une audience constamment large et croissante à travers le monde.


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La Portée Mondiale du Sound Café

As The Sound Cafe continues to grow, we are excited to welcome an increasing number

of submissions from record labels, publicists, and artists worldwide. Our commitment to

delivering insightful, high-quality reviews remains strong, and we are proud to have a team

of experienced music journalists who specialize in a wide range of genres.


​​Professional Reviews on The Sound Cafe


At The Sound Cafe, our team of experienced journalists offers in-depth, professionally crafted

reviews for artists looking to gain global exposure. These reviews are published in three

languages  on our platform and shared across our extensive social media network, reaching

thousands of music lovers, industry professionals, and potential new fans worldwide.


Each of our reviewers brings a unique perspective, background, and level of expertise to their work.

As such, fees for full reviews vary depending on the journalist’s experience and standing in the

industry. This ensures that artists receive high-quality, insightful coverage tailored to their

music and story.


If you're interested in having your music reviewed by The Sound Cafe, please get in touch with us to discuss rates and availability.


There are practical benefits that  artists gain—such as using the review for PR campaigns, website features, social media engagement, and other promotional efforts.


A well-written review can amplify your music’s reach, providing authoritative quotes for press materials, enhancing your online presence, and helping to create buzz around your release.


Our reviewers are listed below with their bios.


If you're interested in submitting an album for review or a news feature, contact us at thesoundcafe(at) (replace "(at)" with "@"). Our team will provide full details on the process and applicable fees for reviews.


We look forward to helping you share your music with the world!​


Covering: Folk, Roots, Celtic, Americana, Country, Rock, Pop/Mainstream, Global, Blues


Stevie Connor is a versatile musician and journalist known for founding The Sound Cafe, a platform that promotes blues, roots, folk, Americana, rock, country and Celtic music. With a rich background in the music industry, he has served as a juror for prestigious awards and has developed a keen eye for emerging talent. Through his work, including interviews and album reviews, Stevie aims to connect artists with a global audience while fostering a vibrant music community.​​​​​

Covering: Blues, Roots, RnB, Rock, Country


Erin McCallum has been a prominent figure in the Canadian blues scene for nearly two decades, recognized for her soulful performances and captivating voice. As a musician, songwriter, and distinguished journalist, she has established a significant presence in the industry. Since joining The Sound Cafe, Erin has been contributing an exclusive monthly column titled 'Behind The Curtain', which provides readers from around the world with unique insights into the lives and stories of artists within the Canadian blues community.​​​​​​​​​​

Covering: Global, Jazz, Country, Folk, Roots, Americana


Anne Connor has made significant contributions to The Sound Cafe through her insightful writing and support of emerging artists in the music scene. Her expertise and her passion for storytelling have helped elevate the platform's profile, fostering a deeper connection between artists and audiences. With a real passion for global music, Anne's involvement as a juror for national awards underscores her commitment to recognizing and celebrating talent within the Canadian and wider global music community.

Covering: Pop/Mainstream, Rock, Country, Folk, Roots, Americana


Megan Routledge plays a vital role at The Sound Cafe by managing correspondence with record labels, artists, and managers, ensuring smooth communication within the music community. Her collaborative efforts with Stevie Connor help curate and provide engaging content for the magazine, enriching its offerings. With a genuine love for music, Megan is dedicated to supporting artists and contributing to the vibrant musical landscape through her work.



Additionally, we want to clarify that while we continue to accept submissions with the

intention of publishing news of releases, there is no guarantee that every submission

will be published due to the high volume coming at us.


If you would like to submit an album for either a review or a news article, please contact us at  thesoundcafe(at)  (replace (at) with the @ symbol).


Our team will provide you with detailed information about the process and the

associated fee (if a full review is requested).



The Sound Cafe Team


La Publicité Suivante 


Le Sound Cafe dispose d'un vaste réseau de contacts dans l'industrie à travers le monde. Nous utilisons ce réseau pour aider les artistes signés et non signés à être découverts à l'échelle mondiale.


Notre publicité est parfaite pour promouvoir votre album, vos dates de tournée, un festival ou tout autre événement lié à la musique. Les attachés de presse, les managers, les promoteurs et les artistes peuvent contacter notre équipe pour plus d'informations.

Nous n'acceptons pas de publications sponsorisées ou de publicités sans rapport avec le contenu que nous proposons.


Contact : thesoundcafe(at)

(remplacez (at) par le symbole @) pour plus d'informations.

Rejoignez notre liste de diffusion

Merci d'avoir soumis !

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